Monday, March 21, 2011

  • Pericles brought democracy to its climax
  • People wanted a city fitted to run an empire
  • Parthenon a building with a big statue of Athena (40 ft tall) in it
  • it requires 20,000 tons of marble
  • it is a symbol of Athens empire
  • it cost a billion dollars in our time to build
  • Frizezs shallow piece of marble
  • it was a testament to the common man and woman
  • ran along the inner wall of the temple
  • Aspaisia was Pericles "companion" 
    • he treated her like an equal
    • caused a scandal 
    • he let her sit in on meetings and give an opinion
  • theater is where they met twice a year for entertainment
  • greeks invented theater and drama
  • perform in masks
  • hubris-arrogant 

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