Monday, March 21, 2011

March 21

Today in class we watched the move... again.  It really seems like it is a never - ending movie.  We still are not done.  Today we started talking about Pericles.  He was a general in the Persian war, which they won, and the Peloponnesian war, which we haven't gotten to but I'm pretty sure they lose.  We also talked about The Parthenon.  It is a place that the Athenians built.  It took 20,000 tons of marble and would have cost a billion dollars if it was built in our time.  It is a symbol of their empire.  It also has a 40 ft tall statue of Athena in it made with jewels and other beautiful things.  I also found out that the Greeks invented theater.  They used to make up plays, either comedies or tragedies, to perform in a huge stadium ever two years for a lot of people.  It seems like a new found civilization to me.

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