Thursday, March 17, 2011

Crucible of Civilization notes 2

  • Hippias brother was killed and he became paranoid and took away the peoples rights
  • Cleisthenes was going to overthrow Hippias
  • 510 BC and Cleisthenes lived up to the myths
  • 776 BC was when the games started
  • it empowered people that didn't have that much money
  • people were conspiring against Cleisthenes
  • Isagoris was one of them ^ and was also an aristocrat
  • he sent help from the spartans to help him take over 
  • it was said he shared his wife with the spartan king
  • the people revolted against Isagoris
  • this was the first revolution of the people
  • 508BC was the first time the people revolted against their leaders
  • they all turned Cleisthenes
  • he had a place where they discussed the future of their state
  • agora is what it was called
  • he instituted a vote white pebble for yes and black for no
  • the people were the government
  • majority rules
  • democracy helped shape the start of civilization
  • it was going to be tested with war and disagreement
  • 409 BC Pheideppedes ran the first marathon
  • it was for survival
  • the Persians had to destroy anyone that was gaining power
  • they didn't an army so every man would have to come forward to fight
  • hoplites was the closest thing to modern army back then
  • Pheideppedes was going to run for help from Sparta
  • he ran 140 miles in 2 days
  • his quest ended in failure b/c his request was denied
  • there are 2 different stories
  • in both he did a heroic thing and he failed in both
  • the Greeks did win though
  • they slaughtered over 6000 Persians in 1 day
  • they returned and celebrated their victory
  • Themistocles fought on the battlefield at marathon
  • he was a general for the Greeks
  • he had risen to power through democracy
  • he learned at the democratic  

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