Monday, April 18, 2011

Test on Wed.

  • What is a hoplite?
    • citizen-solider 
  • Whats the formation?
    • phalanx
  • How long did the Pelopenisian War last?
    • 27 years
  • Who won the Pelepenisian War?
    • Sparta
  • What went wrong?
    • someone had a plague when they had the wall around the city
    • 1/3-2/3 died including Pericles
  • Pythagoras came up with what?
    • The Pythagorean therom 
  • Who was the main poet?
    • Homer
  • What were the 2 main plays?
    • tragedy and comedy
  • What did Greek theater look like?
    • semi-circle around stage
    • staggered seats
  • What did he want to do?
    • he wanted to strengthen democracy and make Athens more beautiful
  • Whats the thing in the center of town that people come to talk?
    • agora
  • Who was it built by?
    • Pericles
  • What is frieze?
    • is was 3D carving of regular people
  • What was in the middle?
    • Statue of Athena
  • What were the styles?
    • Doric-basic
    • Ionic-fancy
    • Corinthian-really fancy
  • What was he charged with?
    • corrupting the minds of youth
    • going against the gods
  • What he die of?
    • poison
  • When were first Olympics held?
    • 776 BC
  • How often does it happen?
    • every 4 years
  • Who was allowed to participate?
    • only free men who stand in front of the statue of Zeus and promised they had been training for 10 months
  • Some examples?
    • boxing, running, long jump
  • Hoplitodromos?
    • event that you have to run with armor
  • Main phylosiphers?
    • Socrates-thinking on reason; questioning
    • Plato-founded school called Acadamy
    • Aristotle-

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