Thursday, April 14, 2011

  • Socrates
    • he didn't care about appearance and was only interested in the mind
    • they started reasoning instead of thinking the gods were everything and did everything
    • it was the birth of science
    • Thales measured the size of the pyramid by using the shadow of it
    • Thales wrote a book on how to sail at night by using the stars
    • Socrates used his reason and logic to study people
    • he started fighting with someone because he said his eyes bulge out so he can see farther and his nostrils stick out so he can take in more smells (at a drunken dinner party
  • the plague 
    • violent heats on head
    • stomach problems
    • fever
    • dehydration 
    • they would go out into the street to die
    • 1/3-2/3 of the people had it
    • Pericles finally got he plague
      • he got weak
      • he died after 6 months in 429 BC
  • everyone wanted to be in charge when Pericles died
  • fought in a war against Sparta and lost to defend
  • lost 50,000 men
  • they went to Athena for help
  • 404 BC Athens surrendered to Spartan commander
  • he told them to take down walls and burn all but 12 ships
  • Socrates got arrested for undermining the youth of the city
  • he only had enough time to defend himself by the time the water fell into the other pot
  • he demands free dinners for life
  • he got sentences to death
  • he had to drink hemlock to poison him which was extremely painful
  • People started to create a world around logic and reason

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