Friday, April 29, 2011

Pictures for Mr Schick's Rap

To the shores of the River Tiber
Brand new republic ready to run
Plus monarchy
On horseback is the cavalry
Roman-legions-lorica-segmentata-vs-chain-armor.jpg (500×333)
Shield, sword, dagger, and armor and tunic
Hannibal riding on elephant back

I can hear the brothers Gracchus
Sayin, “Rich, please don’t attack us” (don’t attack us)
“We got a feeling that the senators will whack us” (hey!)
Julius.Caesar.2.jpg (255×316)
It’s the start of the rise of Julius C

It’s a triumvirate -- that’s a group of three
“Crassus (come on), Pompey (come on), I’m JC! (come on)
We three will rule!

stab-in-the-back.jpg (400×300)
Brutus and the Senate murdered Julius C
He hit the floor (he hit the floor)
Next thing you know
Caesar’s no more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more
You know he’s so depressed
23 stab wounds in his chest (in his chest)

logomiicred.jpg (581×409)
Pax Romana is the word that brings the cheers (Yay!)

Thursday, April 28, 2011

April 28

Today was such a weird day!! It was scary and cool at the same time.  I was hoping that we would get out of school early but I guess it would be stupid to send students out into the storm though.  Today in class we talked more about Rome.  We took a quiz on the reading we did last night.  I'm not very good at those but oh well.  We didn't finish talking about the questions from last night. I guess we'll do that tomorrow!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Rome Reading Questions 2

a. consul-officials that commanded the army and directed the government
b. veto-reject or overrule
c. senate-the aristocratic branch of Rome's government
d. assembly-the democratic side of the government
e. dictator-a leader who had absolute power in comparison to the consuls and the senate
f. mercenary-soldiers who fight in any country's army for pay

  1. Why were many plebeians dissatisfied with Rome's government in the early years of the republic?
    • The patricians had too much control of the government and too much power.
  2. How did they win reforms?
    • They won reform by refusing to fight in the army unless they agreed to it.
  3. What changes did they bring about in Roman government?
    • they gained access to many political offices, obtained more favorable laws, enslavement for debt was ended, and marriage between plebeians and patricians are allowed.
  4. Why did Romans consider that they had a balanced government?
    • because their government was partially monarchy, part aristocracy, and part democracy
  5. Once Rome had conquered most of Italy, how did the Roman government win the support of the conquered people?
    • they were allies to Rome
  6. At th start of the Punic Wars, why might Carthage have appeared the stronger power?
    • they were bigger
    • had huge navy of 500 ships
    • wealthy
  7. Why was Rome, in fact, the victor?
    • draw on a reserve of more than 500,000 people
    • more loyal and reliable troops
    • directed energy at winning wars
  8. Why was the Battle of Zama a major turning point in history?
    • if Hannibal would have won Carthage and not Rome would have become the greatest empire in the world
  9. Why did the Greeks at first welcome Roman armies?
    • the Romans freed them from the rule of Philip V of Macedon
  10. Why did the Greek attitude change?
    • they because greedy with freedom

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

a. republic-a political unit that is not rules by a monarch and in which citizens with the right to vote choose their leaders
b. gravitas-weightiness or seriousness
c. pater familias-the oldest male of the family
d. toga-uncomfortable garment worn my the people of rome
e. patrician-people who were upper class because they claimed to have had ancestors that were founders of Rome
f. plebeian-common farmers, artisans,and merchants
g. legion-a massive military unit
h. century-100 years

  1. How did geography help Rome?
    • Rome was the center point within the central peninsula.
  2. Why was each of the following groups important to Rome's development?
    • Latins-Rome was first started by a settlement of Latin shepherds 
    • Greeks-They established 50 colonies on the coast of southern Italy and Sicily
    • Etruscans-They had an alphabet that the Romans eventually adopted.  The Romans were influenced by their architecture and trade. 
  3. What were the values of early Roman society?
    • discipline, strength, loyalty
    • family
  4. How was the Roman household organized?
    • the pater familias had all the power in the family
    • he protected the family
  5.  What freedoms did women have in the family and in society?
    • they were in charge of the house
    • they had a lot more freedom than the Athenian women
    • she was a citizen
    • she could own property and testify in court
  6. How was the army linked to Roman society?
    • all male men had to serve in the army 
    • no one could hold public office w/out being in the army for 10 years

Sunday, April 24, 2011

April 20

Today in class we took a test.  I think it was kinda hard.  I don't think I did very good on it, but o well.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Test on Wed.

  • What is a hoplite?
    • citizen-solider 
  • Whats the formation?
    • phalanx
  • How long did the Pelopenisian War last?
    • 27 years
  • Who won the Pelepenisian War?
    • Sparta
  • What went wrong?
    • someone had a plague when they had the wall around the city
    • 1/3-2/3 died including Pericles
  • Pythagoras came up with what?
    • The Pythagorean therom 
  • Who was the main poet?
    • Homer
  • What were the 2 main plays?
    • tragedy and comedy
  • What did Greek theater look like?
    • semi-circle around stage
    • staggered seats
  • What did he want to do?
    • he wanted to strengthen democracy and make Athens more beautiful
  • Whats the thing in the center of town that people come to talk?
    • agora
  • Who was it built by?
    • Pericles
  • What is frieze?
    • is was 3D carving of regular people
  • What was in the middle?
    • Statue of Athena
  • What were the styles?
    • Doric-basic
    • Ionic-fancy
    • Corinthian-really fancy
  • What was he charged with?
    • corrupting the minds of youth
    • going against the gods
  • What he die of?
    • poison
  • When were first Olympics held?
    • 776 BC
  • How often does it happen?
    • every 4 years
  • Who was allowed to participate?
    • only free men who stand in front of the statue of Zeus and promised they had been training for 10 months
  • Some examples?
    • boxing, running, long jump
  • Hoplitodromos?
    • event that you have to run with armor
  • Main phylosiphers?
    • Socrates-thinking on reason; questioning
    • Plato-founded school called Acadamy
    • Aristotle-

Friday, April 15, 2011

Alexander Movie

      In this movie we watched a seen about how Alexander got his horse.  He told his father that if he could not ride the horse that he would pay for the horse himself.  Alexander figured out that the horse was afraid of his shadow.  He tamed the horse and called him Bucephalus.  Then we watched a scene about the battle of Guagamela.  They were outnumbered 3 to 1.  Alexander wanted to kill Darius.  When Alexander got close, Darius ran away.  It was one of the bloodiest battles.  It was a really gross scene to watch.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

  • Socrates
    • he didn't care about appearance and was only interested in the mind
    • they started reasoning instead of thinking the gods were everything and did everything
    • it was the birth of science
    • Thales measured the size of the pyramid by using the shadow of it
    • Thales wrote a book on how to sail at night by using the stars
    • Socrates used his reason and logic to study people
    • he started fighting with someone because he said his eyes bulge out so he can see farther and his nostrils stick out so he can take in more smells (at a drunken dinner party
  • the plague 
    • violent heats on head
    • stomach problems
    • fever
    • dehydration 
    • they would go out into the street to die
    • 1/3-2/3 of the people had it
    • Pericles finally got he plague
      • he got weak
      • he died after 6 months in 429 BC
  • everyone wanted to be in charge when Pericles died
  • fought in a war against Sparta and lost to defend
  • lost 50,000 men
  • they went to Athena for help
  • 404 BC Athens surrendered to Spartan commander
  • he told them to take down walls and burn all but 12 ships
  • Socrates got arrested for undermining the youth of the city
  • he only had enough time to defend himself by the time the water fell into the other pot
  • he demands free dinners for life
  • he got sentences to death
  • he had to drink hemlock to poison him which was extremely painful
  • People started to create a world around logic and reason

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Who was he?
     Early Greek poet
Did everyone think Homer was real?
What did he write?
     Iliad and Odyssey 

Alexander's Conquest

What did he rule?
     Asia minor, Persia, Egypt, Greece and some of India
What was his horses name?
     Bucepalus (Ox-head)
What did he spread around the world
     Greek Culture

Monday, April 11, 2011

Socrates Trial

Why was Socrates killed for?
     for teaching his students his theory
What was his theory?
    That the earth wasn't the center of the universe
What was his sentence?

The Hellenic Age

What is the Hellenic Age?
     The classical age
What is the severe style?
    when they began to explore the emotions and characters of their subjects
Who was Alexander tutored by?

Friday, April 8, 2011

Greek Architecture

What style was the Parthenon?
What did the Doric style took like?
     sturdy shaft, plain top, and no base
What is the most decorative?

The Golden Age/Age of Pericles

What was he said to be born as?
What were the religious festivles?
     Panathenia-honored Athena
     Dionysa- honored god of wine
What were Pericles three goals?
     Strengthen democracy, make Athens more beautiful, and expand their empire

Greek Poets and Poetry

How would they present their poems?
     in song form
Who wrote the first first point of view  poetry?
Who wrote the Iliad and Odyssey?

Greek Drama

What do they do instead of scenes?
Types of Plays
     Comedy, tragedy
Who is a Tragedy perform by and when?
     by men and in April

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Greek Philosophers

Who were the main Philosophers?
What is western Philosophy?
     the thought an work of the western world and how it differs tot he Eastern world
What was Plato before he was a philosopher
     he was a wrestler and poet


Who was it for?
     The goddess Athena
Where is it located?
What was inside?
     A giant statue of Athena
What are the freiczes of?
     Regular people

Alexander the Great's Youth

What did his mother tell him?
     She told him he was the son of a Greek god
What was his horse afraid of?
     He was afraid of his shadow
Who was his teacher?
He was the captain of the Macedonian army at the age of ____16____.
He died at the age of 33 from ___Malaria___.
Never lost a battle.

Breakthrough in Math and Science

Who invented geometry?
Pythagoras came up with what?
     pi and the right triangle formula
What did Eratosthenes figure out?
     he figured out the circumference of the earth

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The Olympics

Who was the Olympic games held in honor for?
What was the prize?
     Olive wreaths or crowns
What did you have to be to be in order to compete?
     You had to be in one of the city-states and a free man
     Only young people and they have to qualify and get their names on a written list

Ancient Greek Art

What does Greek art consist of?
     Architecture, Sculpture, paintings, and pottery
What was the Parthenon?
Why did they make sculptures?
    for religious and culture reasons

Monday, April 4, 2011

April 4

Today in class we started to present our projects.  We actually only got one done.  We did get really good food though.  Caitlin brought in cupcakes with her project.  Tasha brought in cake and she was going to present but she didn't have enough time so she just gave out the cake.  The cake was really cool looking.  Tasha did a great job; she put a philosopher on it.  It was a pretty good class.  I really don't want to present my project.


How long did the Peloponnesian War last?
     27 years
Who was the war against?
     Athens and Sparta
Why did they loose the battle?
     The Plague