Wednesday, February 9, 2011

On the Test

  • 20 MC
  • 5 Short answer
  • essay (open blog)

  • True about Sago
    • takes a long time to make
    • women gather it
    • doesn't last for a long time!!!! 
    • Not a lot of protien
    • no flavor
    • 70 ibs of sago out of a tree
    • it grows in a swamp
  • Why didnt PNG develop
    • didnt have domesticated animals
      • fur
      • meat
      • milk
    • Unlucky geography
      • Not good crops
  • What are the characteristics of a good domesticated animal?
    • over 100 ibs
    • being able to be tamed
    • get along with humans
    • social hierarchy-if you can tame the leader you can tame all of them*
    • provide manual labor
    • they provide meat and milk*
    • reproduce often*
  • Characteristics of domesticated plants
    • have to be nutritious
    • easy to prepare
    • easy to plant
    • able to be stored for a while
    • able to make many different things from it
  • Surplus
    • they could store it
    • not everyone has to be concerned with getting food
    • they can go off and do other things (specialized work)
      • make plater out of limestone
      • hunter gatherer
      • make weapons
      • making steel
      • all this stuff make their civilization prosper
      • this all makes population grow
  • They moved because the land wasnt good so they moved east and west 
    • they over farmed it and it wasnt as fertile
  • they moved east and west becuase all the things were the same like day, crops, animals
  • PNG is stuck on a tiny island so they cants do this
  • Draa' is the very first community or villliage
    • first people to build granary and houses 
    • oldest village found 
  • Jared Diamond 
    • birdwatcher
    • professor at UCLA
    • turned into anthropologist 
    • best selling author
    • someone asked him why he had so much cargo and they had nothing
    • cargo-possessions
  • Modern day PNG
    • they have a lot of airport improved transportation
    • got modern day technology
    • they are selling gold, silver, copper, palm oil, fisheries to finance all of the modern day technology
  • 13 thousand years ago people were hunting and gathering 
    • some people in PNG still live like they did before

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