Wednesday, February 2, 2011

GG&S Notes 3

Animals play an important role in the living.  They provide milk for nutrience, meat for food, and wool for warmth.  Later more animals were used for living, mostly all for meat but they started using them for different things.  They used horses and donkeys for pulling plow.  Most farm work is still done by hand.  They best animals to farm are the bigger ones.  They try to domesticate them but most cant. Africans could never domesticate elephants because they would never have enough food for them.  Domestic animals need to get along with humans.  Zebras, back then, could never be tamed because they are flighty and have a mean streak.  
  • Every domesticated animal over 100 ibs: 
    • goats
    • pigs
    • sheep
    • horses
    • 2 different kinds of camels
    • water buffalo
    • donkeys
    • llamas
    • reindeer
    • yaks
    • mithan
    • Bali cattle
    • cows
None of the animals that are helpful to the people come from Australia and Papua New Guinea.  South America has the llama and the rest come from the Eurasian area.  The people of the Fertile Crescent were blessed because it gave them a head start in farming.  New people came and developed new jobs.  Making plaster from limestone was an important job.  Learning to work with fire was an important thing in the future making steel.

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