Monday, January 24, 2011

GG&S Paragraph

       Jared Diamond is a professor at UCLA.  In his mean time he likes to bird watch in Papua New Guinea, which set him off on his journey.  A man 30 years ago asked him why white men had so much cargo and why Papua New Guineans had so little.  This question made him think.  Why did we have so much more?  The Papua New Guineans have been there for 40,000 years and we have only been here for 500.  How do we have so much more technology when these quick thinking people have been where they are for so much longer.  The Papua New Guineans thought that power was determined by race.  They thought that that was the way things were suppose to be.  Guns, Germs, and Steel is an important aspect in the whole situation.

1 comment:

  1. Good start, Megan! (By the way, the Papua New Guineans have been living that way for FORTY thousand years!)
