Friday, May 27, 2011

May 27

Today in class we finished up talking about Rome.  We got a packet and we have to do it over the weekend.  Only a few more classes.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

May 26

Today in class we went outside and talked about Rome.  It was kinda nice out but it got hot after a while.  It was nice to go outside and relax instead of being in a classroom. Finals are coming up and I feel like I should start studying.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Diocletian-a roman emperor, failed at at rebuilding an empire
Constantine-a commander that who wanted Christianity to become a religion
eastern empire-wealthier; Latin speaking
Western empire-less wealthy; Greek speaking
Edict of Milan-a speech given by Constantine
Constantinople-capitol of western roman empire
Attila-chief of huns
Leo I-chief of the Huns

1.  What economic problems did he empire face in the third century?
          The problems they were facing were their trade was being disrupted by the barbarians and pirates.  They spent a lot of money on getting things from China, India, and Arabia; they didn't get anything in return because they only made wine, cheese, and glass.

2.  By the third century, how had Rome's army changed since the days of the republic?
           The Roman soldiers only fought for money now they didn't fight for the good of the country.  The country started to recruit barbarians who would accept lower pay.  

3.  (a) What important religious change did Constantine bring in the empire?
           He brought Christianity into the war by praying to the heavens and putting Christian symbols on the soldiers shields.  He also ended the persecution of Christians.
     (b) What political change did he bring about?
           He founded a new capital.  He took a huge step of moving it from Rome to the Greek city of Byzantium (modern-day Turkey), which he now called Constantinople.

4.  (a) Why did Germanic tribes invade the empire in the 400's?
           The Germanic tribes were terrified by the Huns and when the Huns started to move west, they thought it would be a good chance to attack. 
     (b) Why was the empire unable to drive the invaders out? 
           The western empire was so disorganized that it could not even put together a medium sized army to stop them.

5.  (a) Reasons why Diocletian should be considered a successful emperor:
           1. He tried to restore the empire by securing the boundries.
           2. He tried to restore it by doubling he size of the Roman armies.
           3. He tried to restore it by freezing prices so they don't spike.
     (b) Reasons why Diocletian should be considered a failure:
          1. He ordered a general a persecution of the Christians.
          2. He made people treat him like a king.  Anyone who came up to him had to kiss the hem of his rope.
          3. He froze wages so the people could not get raises. 

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Today in class we traded papers with other people so they could check our work.  I traded with Tasha, hers  was good with only a few grammar mistakes.  I hope to do good on this because it is 100 points.

Friday, May 20, 2011

May 20

Today in class, Mr Schick wasn't here, but yesterday we started doing a paper that is about what the difference between Roman Republic and Roman Empire.  By the end of the day, I had 200 words.  It wont take much longer.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

May 19

Today we took a test.  I think i did really good on it.  I hope i am right.  Hopefully Ill find out soon.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

May 18

Today we finished our powerpoint on Ancient Rome.  We also reviewed for our test tomorrow.  I hope I do okay. I think i know everything pretty well.

Monday, May 16, 2011

The Roman Empire

  • Octavian-Caesar Augustus
    • begins the Pax Romana - a period of peace
    • built roads, and aqueducts
    • set up civil service to take care of roads, the grain supply, and postal service
    • dies at age 76 in 14 AD
  • Tiberius
    • Augustus stepson and adopted son
    • great general but was dark, somber, reclusive, and reluctant emperor
    • her referred to the Senate as "men fit to be slaves"
    • Germanicus started out as Tiberius ally, since he quelled a legion mutiny but when it look like he would succeed Tiberius, he got paranoid and had Germanicus killed
    • died in 37 AD at the age of of 77
  • Caligula (good)
    • he was Germanicus' son
    • he was Tiberius adopted grandson and great-nephew
    • he started off well: granted bonuses to those in the military, declaring treason trials a thing of the past, and made government spending a matter of public record 
  • Caligula (bad)
    • fighting with the Senate
    • claimed to be a god and had statues displaying in many places including the Jewish temple in Jerusalem
    • other examples of cruelty and insanity: he slept with other mans wives and bragged about it, indulged in too much spending and sex, and even tried to make his horse a consul and priest
    • assassinated by his own aides in 41 AD at age 28
  • Claudius
    • made fun of because of his disabilities
    • last known adult man in his family
    • he conquered Britain
    • built road, canals, and aqueducts
    • he renovated the Circus Maximus
    • Had an awful marriage to Messalina, who was unfaithful to him
  • Religious Trouble
    • Christianity and Judaism: monotheistic
    • Romans had many gods plus at times the emperor
    • in 66 AD a group of Jews called the Zealots tried to rebel, but roman troops put them down and burned their temple (except for one wall)
    • the western wall today is the holiest of all the Jewish shrines
    • half a million Jews died in the rebellion
  • Persecution of Christians
    • Romans were harsh toward those who would not worship the emperor
    • especially Christians who were viewed as followers of a new upstart religion (cult)
    • used to through them in lions den for entertainment
    • grew quickly despite oppression
    • by 200 AD around 10% of people in the roman empire were Christians 
  • Jesus
    • roman citizen
    • Jew
    • at 30 he began his ministry preaching to the poor in the empire and reaching out to outsiders
    • statements like "my kingdom is not of this world" made the Romans nervous and they began to plan his execution
    • the governor of the roman province of Judea, Pilate sentenced Jesus to death
    • he is a historical figure
    • Paul never met got he became blind and saw Christ
    • he told everyone about Jesus's life and death and resurrection and message
    • he writes letters to many of those he spoke to these epistles are part of the New Testament
    • If it wasn't for Paul  not a lot of people would have known about him
  • 100 most influential people in history
    • Muhammad 
    • Sir Isaac Newton
    • Jesus
    • Buddha
    • Confucius
    • St Paul of Tarsus

Friday, May 13, 2011

Emperors of Ancient Rome


  • His step-father was Octavian 
  • he was emperor from 14AD-37AD 
  • He was the second Emperor
  • one of Rome's greatest generals
  • great-uncle of Caligula
  • paternal uncle of Claudius
  • ruled 37 AD-41AD
  • He was the 3rd emperor of Rome
  • adopted son of Tiberius
  • "There are few surviving sources on Caligula's reign, although he is described as a noble and moderate ruler during the first two years of his rule. After this, the sources focus upon his cruelty, extravagance, and sexual perversity, presenting him as an insane tyrant." (
  • fourth emperor 
  • ruled from 41AD-54AD
  • he had an illness as a child 
  • grew up and had problems like speech and walking issues
  • he got made fun of for it until he became emperor
  • he was loved by the people because he gave them rights
  • his wife cheated on him and he told guards to kill her and her lover when she left

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

May 11

Today in class we watched a video about a talking dog... and bout Rome, which wasn't as exciting.  We had to take notes on it on the video of Rome.  We had to take them on paper.  It wasn't easy; my hand started to hurt.  I hope we don't have to do that too often.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

May 9

Today in class we went over our past tests, Greece and part one of Rome.  It always takes us so long to go over them.  It took all class.  I got good grades on them though.  On the Greece test I got a 93.  On the most recent test, Rome, I got a 90.  I have been pretty happy with my grades so far this last quarter. Hope I can keep it up.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

May 6

Today was a half day and we only had like a 30 minute class.  We took a test on Rome.  I thought it was going to be harder than it was but it was actually pretty easy (unless I failed it). I hope i did okay.  It only took me like 10 minutes to take it and after I studied for my Christian Morality test next.

Thursday, May 5, 2011


  • 1st paragraph
    • The Etruscans had a written language which Romans took most of their letters from
    • Tarquin was their king and he was the last king they had.  People started to hate him
  • 2nd Paragraph
    • many different forms of government put together
    • Carthage was in Africa
  • 3rd paragraph 
    • latifundia- a huge estate of villa (taken away from farmers after the war)
    • Gracchus brothers-Tiberius and Gauis
      • plebeians  nobles
      • attempted to pass a lands reform that would redistribute huge pieces of patrician land among the plebeians
      • assassinated for their attempts
  • 4th paragraph
    • he was appointed dictator for ten years 
    • Julius Caeser got money from Crassus
    • He entered a political with Crassus and Pompey (rich people) which was to dominate Roman politics for several years
    • he made a decision to cross a river into Gaul (the leader of Gaul said if they crossed it then that would be considered an act of war)
    • killed Caesar hoping to restore the government of republic
  • 6th paragraph
    • Cleopatra
      • said she was a rencarnation of a goddess
    • Octavian Antony and Lepidus formed an official three-man govermnet called the second triumvirate
    • Cleopatra tried to take over Octavius power
    • Antony fell in love with Cleopatra
  • 7th paragraph
    • Pax Romana-roman peace
      • period of peace (207 years long
    • Roman roads
      • allowed them to move armies, trade goods, and communicate
      • built like walls
    • Gladiators
      • human sacrifice
    • Circus Maximus
      • ancient Roman chariot raceing stadium mass

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

May 4

Today in class Mr Schick was not here.  We were told to look at his website and it said to finish out projects.  Tasha and I were pretty much done so after we finished we just talked.  We are ready to present now!

Monday, May 2, 2011

May 2

Today in class Mr Schick assigned us a paragraph of his rap.  Tasha and I got paragraph number five.  It is about Julius Caesar and his assassination.  Ours isn't very long so far because there is not a lot on it.  I think well do only though. He was assassinated by a lot of senators that thought he was getting to powerful.